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1990.09~1995.07  北京农业大学兽医专业 学士

1999.09~2002.07  东北农业大学预防兽医学专业 硕士

2003.09~2006.01  东北农业大学预防兽医学专业 博士

2006.04~2008.10   东北林业大学 博士后


1995.08~2000.12  哈尔滨兽医研究所,研究实习员

2000.12~2006.12  哈尔滨兽医研究所,助理研究员

2006.12~2011.12  哈尔滨兽医研究所,副研究员/硕士研究生导师

2011.12~ 今   哈尔滨兽医研究所,研究员/博士研究生导师


(1) 主持国家自然科学基金项目(我国类NADC34 PRRSV演化与细胞嗜性和毒力变化的分子机制),项目编号32172890,58万元;

(2) 主持黑龙江省重点研发计划项目“猪伪狂犬病变异株活疫苗的研制与产业化”,项目编号20222ZX02B13,600万元。


(1) Ye C*, Zhang QZ*, Tian ZJ*, Zheng H, Zhao K, Liu F, Guo JC, Tong W, Jiang CG, Wang SJ, Shi M, Chang XB, Jiang YF, Peng JM, Zhou YJ, Tang YD, Sun MX, Cai XH, An TQ, Tong GZ. Genomic characterization of emergent pseudorabies virus in China reveals marked sequence divergence: Evidence for the existence of two major genotypes.Virology. 483, September 2015, 32-43.(*contribute equally to the study)

(2) Chen JZ, Peng JM, Bai Y, Wang Q, Liu YM, Zhang QY, Chang D, Zhang WC, Zhao HY, Ye C, An TQ, Cai XH, Tian ZJ*, Tong GZ. Characterization of two novel porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus isolates with deletions in the GP2 gene. Veterinary Microbiology, 176, 3–4, 17 April 2015, 344-351. (* corresponding author) .

(3) Leng CL, Tian ZJ*, Zhang WC, Zhang HL, Zhai HY, An TQ, Peng JM, Ye C, Sun L, Wang Q, Sun Y,Li L,Zhao HY, Chang D, Cai XH, Zhang GH, Tong GZ*. Characterization of two newly emerged isolates of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus from Northeast China in 2013. Veterinary Microbiology, 171, 1–2, 25, 2014, 41-52.  (* corresponding author) .

(4) Wang Q, Chen J, Peng J, An T, Leng C, Sun Y, Guo X, Ge X, Tian ZJ*, Yang H. Characterisation of novel linear antigen epitopes on North American-type porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus M protein. Arch Virol. 2014 Nov;159(11):3021-8.(* corresponding author 2.39) .

(5) Chen JZ, Wang Q, Bai Y, Wang B, Zhao HY, Peng JM, An TQ, Tian ZJ*, Tong GZ*.Identification of two dominant linear epitopes on the GP3 protein of highly pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (HP-PRRSV). Res Vet Sci. 97, 2, 2014,  238-243.(* corresponding author)

(6) An TQ*, Peng JM*, Tian ZJ*, Zhao HY, Li N,  Liu YM, Chen JZ ,Leng CL, Sun Y,   Chang D , Tong GZ. Pseudorabies Virus Variant in Bartha-K61–Vaccinated Pigs, China, 2012. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2013, 19, 11, 1749-1755.  (*contribute equally to the study)

(7) An TQ, Zhang Y, Tian ZJ*, Leng CL, Yang YQ, Peng JM, Tong GZ*. Expression of short peptide by an improved isocaudamer tandem repeat strategy. Protein Pept Lett, 2013, 1;20(7):808-12. (* corresponding author)

(8) Yang YQ, Wu J, An TQ, Liu F, Yuan ZH, Peng JM, Wu YQ, Meng ZX, Tian ZJ*, Zhang DL*. Production of antisera against porcine haptoglobin: Potential for distinguishing haptoglobin subunits. Original Research Article. Research in Veterinary Science,  94, 3,  2013, 526-530 (* corresponding author)

(9) Leng CL, An TQ, Chen JZ, Gong DQ, Peng JM, Yang YQ, Wu J, Guo JJ, Li DY, Zhang Y, Meng ZX, Wu YQ, Tian ZJ*, Tong GZ*. Highly pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus GP5 B antigenic region is not a neutralizing antigenic region Review Article, Veterinary Microbiology, 159, 3–4,12, 2012, 273-281. (*corresponding author) 

(10) Yang YQ, An TQ, Gong DQ, Li DY, Peng JM, Leng CL, Yuan ZH,  Tong GZ, Tian ZJ*, Zhang DL*. Identification of porcine serum proteins modified in response to HP-PRRSV HuN4 infection by two-dimensional differential gel electrophoresis, Veterinary Microbiology, 158, 3–4, 17, 2012, 237-246. (* corresponding author)

(11) An TQ*, Tian ZJ*, Zhou YJ*, Xiao Y, Peng JM, Chen J, Jiang YF, Hao XF, Tong GZ  Comparative genomic analysis of five pairs of virulent parental/attenuated vaccine strains of  PRRSV.  Veterinary Microbiology, 149, 1-2, 21, 2011, 104-112 . (*contribute equally to the study)

(12) Wei TC#, Tian ZJ#, Zhou YJ, An TQ, Jiang YF, Xiao Y, Hu SP, Peng JM, Hao XF, Zhang SR, Tong GZ. Evaluation of the Pathogenicity of a Highly Pathogenic Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Variant in Piglets. Agricultural Sciences in China, 10, 8, 2011, 1280-1291. (#contribute equally to the study).

(13) Wang B, Tian ZJ*, Gong DQ, Li DY, Wang Y, Chen JZ, An TQ, Peng JM, Tong GZ*. Isolation of serotype 2 porcine teschovirus in China: Evidence of natural recombination. Veterinary Microbiology, 146, 1-2, 20, 2010, 138-143. (* corresponding author)

(14) Tian ZJ, An TQ, Zhou YJ, Peng JM, Hu SP, Wei TC, Jiang YF, Xiao Y, Tong GZ. An attenuated live vaccine based on highly pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (HP-PRRSV) protects piglets against HP-PRRS.Veterinary Microbiology,  138, 1-2, 2,2009, 34-40.

(15) Zhou YJ#, Yu H#, Tian ZJ#, Li GX, Hao XF, Yan LP, Peng JM, An TQ, Xu AT, Wang YX, Wei TC, Zhang SR, Cai XH, Feng L, Li X, Zhang GH, Zhou LJ, Tong GZ . Genetic diversity of the ORF5 gene of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus isolates in China from 2006 to 2008. Virus Research, 2009,144,136–144. (#contribute equally to the study)

(16)Zhang, H., Leng, C., Feng, L., Zhai, H., Chen, J., Liu, C., Bai, Y., Ye, C., Peng, J., An, T., Kan, Y., Cai, X., Tian, Z.#, Tong, G.#, 2015. A new subgenotype 2.1d isolates of classical swine fever virus in China, 2014. Infect Genet Evol 34, 94-105.(# corresponding author)

(17)Zhang, H.L., Tang, Y.D., Liu, C.X., Xiang, L.R., Zhang, W.L., Leng, C.L., Wang, Q., An, T.Q., Peng, J.M., Tian, Z.J.#, Cai, X.H., 2018. Adaptions of field PRRSVs in Marc-145 cells were determined by variations in the minor envelope proteins GP2a-GP3. Vet Microbiol 222, 46-54.(# corresponding author)

(18)Zhang, H., Leng, C., Tian, Z.*, Liu, C., Chen, J., Bai, Y., Li, Z., Xiang, L., Zhai, H., Wang, Q., Peng, J., An, T., Kan, Y., Yao, L., Yang, X., Cai, X., Tong, G., 2018. Complete genomic characteristics and pathogenic analysis of the newly emerged classical swine fever virus in China. BMC Vet Res 14, 204.(*contribute equally to the study)

(19)Zhang, H., Leng, C., Ding, Y., Zhai, H., Li, Z., Xiang, L., Zhang, W., Liu, C., Li, M., Chen, J., Bai, Y., Kan, Y., Yao, L., Peng, J., Wang, Q., Tang, Y.D., An, T., Cai, X., Tian, Z.#, Tong, G., 2019. Characterization of newly emerged NADC30-like strains of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus in China. Arch Virol 164, 401-411.(# corresponding author)

(20)Zhang, W.L., Zhang, H.L., Xu, H., Tang, Y.D., Leng, C.L., Peng, J.M., Wang, Q., An, T.Q., Cai, X.H., Fan, J.H., Tian, Z.J.#, 2019. Two novel recombinant porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome viruses belong to sublineage 3.5 originating from sublineage 3.2. Transbound Emerg Dis 66, 2592-2600.(# corresponding author)

(21)Xu, H., Song, S., Zhao, J., Leng, C., Fu, J., Li, C., Tang, Y.D., Xiang, L., Peng, J., Wang, Q., Zhao, H., An, T., Cai, X., Zhang, H., Tian, Z.J.(#, 2020. A potential endemic strain in China: NADC34-like porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus. Transbound Emerg Dis 67, 1730-1738. (# corresponding author).

(22)Song, S., Xu, H., Zhao, J., Leng, C., Xiang, L., Li, C., Fu, J., Tang, Y.D., Peng, J., Wang, Q., Zhao, H., An, T., Cai, X., Zhang, H., Tian, Z.J.#, 2020. Pathogenicity of NADC34-like PRRSV HLJDZD32-1901 isolated in China. Vet Microbiol 246, 108727. (# corresponding author).


(1) 猪繁殖与呼吸综合征防制技术及应用,国家科技进步二等奖, 蔡雪辉,童光志,郭宝清,刘永刚,田志军,周艳君,2010年

(2) 猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒强毒株、其弱毒疫苗株及其应用,第一届黑龙江省专利奖金奖,童光志,田志军,周艳君,安同庆,彭金美,2022年

(3) 高致病性猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病原分离鉴定及弱毒疫苗的研制与应用,中国农业科学院科技进步一等奖,童光志,田志军,周艳君,安同庆,彭金美,2012年

(4) 高致病性猪蓝耳病防控技术的研究及应用,黑龙江省技术发明二等奖,童光志,田志军,周艳君,安同庆,彭金美,2013年

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